

23 / Female / Bristol, United Kingdom


I am 24, I work in a Court which is pretty cool, I like going to the pub, being near the sea, and spending obscene amounts of time on the internet.

What I'm doing with my life
Working at a Court in the UK which is super interesting. Just returned from travelling in Australia which was pretty cool.
Favouritest of all the things
Laughing, drinking, eating, sleeping and spending time with my best friends.
My darkest secret
When I was younger I used to play the violin. My teacher was absolutely horrible and I hated her so every lesson I used to go to the bathroom and flush an item of my choice down the toilet. The more I did it, the larger these items became so were not as easy to dispose of. My teacher clearly knew what was happening but when she confronted my mum about it my mum defended me and was incredibly horrified that I had been accused of this terrible crime. They ended up having a huge fallout which ended with me going to a different teacher. My mum still doesn't know that it was actually me.

I also used to dip said violin teacher's toothbrush in the toilet every visit.
I was a demon child with a sense of justice, it wasn't going to end well.
  • Single
  • University

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