

Larry m

43 / Male / Portland, OR 97227, United States


Just trying to abide by the Dude's ideals.

I have a day job, working in technology/software development. I also volunteer with several arts organizations in PDX. I moved here from SoCal 13 yrs ago. I love the PacNW.

What I'm doing with my life
I've been flying solo on this journey for a while and have lately been yearning for a fellow traveler. I work hard but try to stop and smell the roses.
Favouritest of all the things
watching and performing in opera productions

volunteering for and attending performances at TBA festivals

outdoors (hiking, skiing)

long distance road trips, random field trips to mountains, Gorge, coast

microbrews, pizza, cats, fleece, Firefly, Imgur
My darkest secret
I like watching the best American Idol/BGT/AGT/Xfactor auditions that bring me to tears.
  • Single
  • University

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