Well, my greatest achievement today was that I was the first girl from Helsinki and Finland to sign up on here. I feel important! Edit: Yeah, this didnt put up a date like I thought, but when I signed up, it was two guys and me from Finland. :P
What I'm doing with my life
Im finally doing all the fun things Ive wanted to and getting paid for it! I'm a co-founder of an arts & culture association, I work at an architecture firm and I'm a producer at a film production company. Obviously, I hate free time and have trouble saying no to fun things.
Favouritest of all the things
I like genuinely nice ppl, dry white wine, all the cheese (except brie, Im allergic, tragic), swing music, stupid puns, ridiculously high heels and Iceland (the country, not the frozen foods shop). Also, I love documentaries, so if you saw one that is good tell me! (No, really, tell me.)
My darkest secret
This is such a lame question. As If I would tell you about that time I once...OHHHH almost got me!