

19 / Male / Fort Wayne, IN, United States


Just your average ordinary teenager. I am quite accident prone actually but I have my moments of brilliance. I try to find humor in almost everything if I feel the situation needs a laugh and sometimes that humor can get a bit dark/gallows but I keep it from being rude. I'm a pretty passive person and I view that as both a blessing and a curse and I don't really like if a person is going out of their way to make someone mad or frustrated. I enjoy writing, gaming, and netflix... Looots of netflix. Doctor Who, Breaking Bad, Supernatural, Walking Dead, and Falling Sky's are some of the shows I watch (just to name a few.) I can be a bit of a hopeless romantic type at times but I just ignore it and move on. Truth be told. I'm not even sure what I want from life. But who does at this age? I am definitely a person who believes that while the destination is important, the journey there can be a wonderful ride.

What I'm doing with my life
boredomkills apparently isn't doing anything with their life, that's unfortunate.
Favouritest of all the things
boredomkills has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
boredomkills doesn't think they have any secrets, but we all know about that one time right? ;)

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