

20 / Male / Philadelphia, PA, United States

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Can't wait to see what embarrassing things you'll find in my top comments/ gallery favorites. This should be fun.

Anyway, time for fun facts that you probably don't care about:

- Love listening to EDM, and raving to it

- I can't dance, rap or sing, but I do anyway

- Also enjoy pretty much every music genre

- I'm from York... PA, not UK, because 'Murica

- Member of a Fraternity. And no, 90% of TFM is overly satirical and doesn't happen; if you have a problem with Greek life, I would rather not hear about it.

- I could speak (almost) fluent German, but then I went to college so there goes that

---- Ask me anything you want to know, I will answer and post the Q&A below ----

Add me or message me if you'd like. Uhmm. Yeah. Okay. Dickbutt.

What I'm doing with my life
Working on my Doctorate in Physical Therapy, looking for fun and looking for people to do it all with
Favouritest of all the things
TheiSuck5 has not written anything about their favouritest of all things.
My darkest secret
Heh. Ask me.

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