

22 / Male / Bell Buckle, TN, United States


I'm an IT guy, tech enthusiast, gamer, and writer.

I play practically every gaming genre, although classic FPS is my favorite (ex: Unreal Tournament 2004, Starsiege Tribes, or Quake). If you happen to play any of those, Final Fantasy VI, or Chrono Trigger, there's a good chance I'll instantly befriend you.

I used to write a lot in my spare time but I've been too busy with work lately. I don't normally show anyone anything I've written unless they're extremely close to me but I do love critiquing the work of others. I'm fairly sure that last part goes for everyone on the Internet, though. My favorite things to write/read about are fantasy, science fiction, and any sort of altered reality.

I'm a PC hardware geek. I absolutely love everything there has to do with building PCs and reading about future technologies in computer hardware. I've even made it my career now! Even though I know how it works, I still look at it as magic with a childlike mindset. The same goes for theoretical physics, history, and philosophy.

Favorite shows: Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, Breaking Bad (Yes, I know. Now that I got that out of the way), An Idiot Abroad, A Bit of Fry and Laurie, Futurama, Fullmetal Alchemist, Firefly, Cowboy Bebop and a million other things I'll kick myself later for not remembering.

Favorite movies: Pan's Labyrinth, Spirited Away, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Oldboy, Lord of the Rings, Dr Strangelove, and 1984. I'm going to update this later when my memory isn't failing me.

You're welcome to message me about anything. If you want to play some games, or, if for some strange reason, I seem like a better option for a friend than the people around you (which is what I hope to find here), you're exactly who I'm looking for.

What I'm doing with my life
As previously stated, I'm working on my IT career and wasting the rest of my time with online shenanigans.
Favouritest of all the things
Gaming, technology, life, the cosmos, and Mexican food.
My darkest secret
It's not a dark secret if you openly admit to it online so this is impossible to answer.
  • Seeing Someone
  • College

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