

If I don't do it, who will?

25 / Omnipotent Being / Arroyo Grande, CA, United States


As the username says, I am Crae. That is my actual name from birth, and the only way to spell "crae crae", "that shit crae", etc. I am a very expansive person, have an amazing imagination that allows me to create/witness the birth of universes from beginning to end several times a day. To be brutally honest I am drunk/high about 90% of the time. OH and ask me about the Greggining if you feel you want to read/critique an (ALMOST) sci-fi novella that I came up with. In closing I would to present you a phrase. The phrase is:" ____ is filled with hated and desire."

What I'm doing with my life
AdayIntheLifeofCrae apparently isn't doing anything with their life. That's most unfortunate, BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! For only 12 small payments of 22.67 you can witness the downward spiral of a drunk man and the eternal fight for balance, or the listen to the amazing cackles of Crae as he browses Imgur (cackles and balance both come in inebraited, stoned, or sober versions. Much patience is required for any order, regardless of intoxicated states). Joking aside, I'm just a graveyard cashier for Chevron that has too much time on his hands, not enough work, and an imagination that rivals my own. >_>' hehe.... >_
Favouritest of all the things
THE LIST: Reading - Sci-Fi, fantasy, and generally anything that catches my attention. Playing Ps4/PC/DS solo, or streaming on Twitch with my buddies, or fly solo (sad days). Attempting to write, and last, but not at all least, thinking. Yup spend a lot of free time just thinking about life, the universe, and everything in it; also using my imagination to create whole alternate universes. That above all else is my favorite form of thinking.
My darkest secret
I wrote this whole profile while high on meth.
  • Single
  • Secondary / High school

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