What would you do in this situation?

umbrena, Apr 05th 2018 02:06

So I have a perfectly functioning phone, but my friend with the same warranty and phone broke his and called the company and they're sending him a more recent version of the phone for free. Should I break mine and do the same? I've had it 14 months and it's on a 18 month warranty. :> Or no, bad, karma will eat you


  • TheBritishAreComing, Apr 05th 2018 23:14

    No, that's just kinda sad and wasteful. These phones have rare materials that take a lot to mine so we get these fancy phones. If it works fine and you're happy with it then there doesn't seem to be any need to get a new phone.

    1 points
    • SimonPeggMe, Apr 05th 2018 02:10

      BREAK IT

      1 points