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SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe What's something that you consider a romantic gesture? Dating Jackson209486
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe What are some weird food habits you have? Food 423-608-5864 Jackson209486
toinanbe If your SO is asleep, an his phone was open, would you go through it? Dating BenjiGBArrestedsugarMissNerdyGirlgreenmountainEpicEpicureAugustThyme
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe What's your favourite (or worst) pick up line? Dating
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SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe Which series/franchise is better? Gaming ahmedMrToegoTheSirefred0neSergeantKnickerlessArsewipe
TheBritishAreComing Matt is a simulation Ask Matt Klaflefalumpf
TheBritishAreComing Would you become an AI? Fitness TheSire fred0ne vorduul salamiplastikTheBritishAreComing
toinanbe If you could be the opposite sex for one day, would you do it? General toinanbedogsarethebestMissNerdyGirlfred0ne
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe What are your personal red flags when starting to date a person? Dating
umbrena Have you ever met anyone who was a third nipple? Sex DigityDogumbrenapandatoast
toinanbe Would you do drugs? Science ahmed GalvanaxGamingMeathammer88dogsarethebestguntergrayblesfred0ne
TheBritishAreComing If you had intro music, what song would it be? Why? Music toinanbe
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umbrena Do you have trouble sleeping after ingesting too much caffeine? Food ahmed DandaumbrenaTheBritishAreComingKlaflefalumpfbeartastico
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HashtagShutUpIan Yes or No? General ahmed umbrenafred0nechapstyck1979
umbrena Will @pandatoast have a second date? this is just to keep tabs Dating QuantumShittingThroughTheNthDimensionahmedumbrenafred0neMoosecuntSupreme
toinanbe Would you ever date someone older/younger than you? Dating ahmed umbrena HannesFury QuantumShittingThroughTheNthDimensionfred0ne
toinanbe If you had a rich SO, would you still work or no? Dating sjoerd ant1H3r0chapstyck1979QuantumShittingThroughTheNthDimensionfred0neYeee5
umbrena My grocery store just started selling "ugly" vegetables for a lot... Food Arrestedsugar CaptTightScrubsahmedMoosecuntSupremeumbrenaQuantumShittingThroughTheNthDimension
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe What's your favourite current song/track? Music QuantumShittingThroughTheNthDimension DigityDog
toinanbe What is your weird thing? General QuantumShittingThroughTheNthDimension
toinanbe What kind of underwear do guys like on girls? Sex toinanbe fred0ne Joe ButtsPlease QuantumShittingThroughTheNthDimension
umbrena What was the most disturbing movie you've ever watched? Movies QuantumShittingThroughTheNthDimension
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe When you were younger, what did you always want to be when you grew up? General ahmed chapstyck1979 ILALQ QuantumShittingThroughTheNthDimension Digdug83
TheBritishAreComing You've got 1 day of air Dating
umbrena If you could pick one famous person (alive lul) to switch lives with, who... Television fred0ne ahmed dogsarethebest umbrena
toinanbe What is your favourite sauce to dip anything with? Food toinanbe AdmVonSchneider
umbrena Would you wear sock and sandals out in public? Ask Ena ahmedAdmVonSchneiderkhazorathumbrenaTheBritishAreComingfred0ne
umbrena What kind of gym/running shoes do you guys recommend? Fitness
toinanbe Do you eat the crust of a pizza? Food guntergrayblesILALQTheBritishAreComingCapnKrunchypandatoasttoinanbe
umbrena If you could only eat pastas or rices forever, which would you choose? Food pandatoastumbrenasalamiplastikDigityDogdamianlebahmed
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe What's a good name for a dog? Cats dogsarethebest ahmed AdmVonSchneider
toinanbe Are you a tiddies person or are you a booties person? Sex toinanbechapstyck1979CapnKrunchykiwibearkptkrunkdogsarethebest
toinanbe Who is your favourite Friends character? Television marinedalektoinanbeahmedchapstyck1979
toinanbe If you could be in any movie/show, what movie/show would it be? Movies toinanbe ahmed BubblesAndSuch
umbrena What is your favourite US state? Politics Impossibrew dogsarethebest
umbrena 2020 Elections are coming up, if these were your two options who would you... Politics fred0ne umbrena ahmed WutTheFuckIsJuiceTheBritishAreComingjohannemo
toinanbe If you were to suggest which phone OS to get to a beginner, which would it... Technology ahmed WutTheFuckIsJuicefred0netheRoost3r
chapstyck1979 How do you take your coffee? Food ahmed kiflicaDigityDogtheRoost3rBubblesAndSuchfred0ne
umbrena How did you learn about the birds and the bees? Sex ahmed AdmVonSchneider
umbrena Do you watch/support any WWE? Sport umbrena AdmVonSchneider ahmed
umbrena Will you be playing the latest WoW expansion? Gaming fred0ne ahmedumbrenapandatoast
DigityDog would you play secret hitler right now? Gaming DigityDogTheBritishAreComingtheRoost3r
toinanbe US: If you could have the elections again with the same candidates, who... Politics theRoost3rAdmVonSchneidertoinanbeJax101
TheSire Was Bill Clinton in a peach? Ask Matt theRoost3r
umbrena Is 30 too old to still dye your hair a whacky colour? Ask Ena ahmed BulletproofIdeasnickoftime90Bloodfred0ne
MissNerdyGirl What do you wrap around meat to make pigs in a blanket? Food TheSireBloodMissNerdyGirlchapstyck1979darasta
toinanbe In the honour of his death, what's your favourite Robin Williams movie? Movies TheBritishAreComing
toinanbe What "old-timey" game will you never get tired of playing? Gaming fred0ne
toinanbe What's your guilty pleasure song? Music
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe What's your favourite type of condiment? Food AdmVonSchneider
toinanbe What's the weirdest/greatest thing you found on the internet? Technology
DigityDog Should Matt be banned from existing thanos-style? Sex sjoerd DigityDogNannerskhazorathfred0neAdmVonSchneider
toinanbe What first games do you suggest on getting on PS4? Gaming umbrena
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe What's your favourite food to cook? Food TheBritishAreComing
toinanbe Which celebrity would you go gay for? Movies
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe What movies do you want to see this year? Movies
umbrena Do you avoid eating certain foods before a big date? Dating AdmVonSchneiderumbrena
umbrena What is your favourite Pokemon? Gaming Nanners MoosecuntSupreme AdmVonSchneider
toinanbe Which is better for a console? Gaming dogsarethebest toinanbe Joe
Klaflefalumpf Who would fare best in the Hunger Games? Animals dogsarethebestchapstyck1979sqmiy
TheBritishAreComing Where do you sit? Politics HannesFury SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe
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umbrena What singer/band/group irrationally anger you? Music ahmed92 fred0ne
Anonymous 5characterslong Science BubblesAndSuchThisIsNotANameItsASandwich
dakapta Looking for podcasts Technology
TheBritishAreComing Is there anything you'd like to see in the apps? Social Savanna AdmVonSchneider cral ahmed92 TheBritishAreComing justanothermick
TheBritishAreComing What's your super hero name? Comic books TheBritishAreComing CowsGoMooALot BerkaDerka BubblesAndSuch HodorLebowski
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thekamikazekid Are the Beatles over rated Music BubblesAndSuchkhazoraththekamikazekidTerrorific
umbrena What's your favourite song in a language that isn't English? Music ahmed92 BubblesAndSuch justanothermick
TheSire Is ALL pasta made using eggs with no exceptions? Ask Matt justanothermickBubblesAndSuchahmed92TheSire
johannemo your moms a color Science BubblesAndSuch toinanbeMichaeloviefred0nedogsarethebestGuelo
toinanbe What happened in your worst date ever? Dating dogsarethebest BubblesAndSuch
BubblesAndSuch Pick one Bruh Animals BubblesAndSuchdogsarethebestahmed92DigityDogArrestedsugaromk19
guntergraybles should i buy a new laptop or computer Technology ahmed92purplepotatoestoinanbedogsarethebest
umbrena Anyone got any good recommendations for a webcomic? Comic books BubblesAndSuch fred0ne Jax101
WutTheFuckIsJuice ***Playstation Gamertags GO HERE*** Gaming umbrena WutTheFuckIsJuice TheBritishAreComing
ShotgunBetty So, which Captain is your Captain? Television SergeantKnickerlessArsewipeAdmVonSchneiderShotgunBettyJax101
MissNerdyGirl Who do you want to win? Sport ChindawgjohannemoAckeburningMissNerdyGirlpickle
toinanbe Who is your favourite movie/show villain? Movies MissNerdyGirl desztracted toinanbe
desztracted Roleplaying chatroom or event? Ask Ena
TheSire Is soup a meal Ask Matt TheSirefred0neTheBritishAreComing
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe Do you think England will win todays match (11/07) Sport ImpossibrewDandaTheTrooperWithAFearOfTheDarkfred0neAdmVonSchneider
umbrena Who will win the World Cup? Sport fred0neumbrenapandatoast
toinanbe What was your favourite old cartoon shows? (Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon)... Television Sepiaangel toinanbe
fred0ne For the fight ! Ask Matt umbrena TheBritishAreComing fred0ne
umbrena Have you ever weighed yourself before/after a poop? Fitness justanothermickumbrenaTheBritishAreComingdemon256desztractedBearded77
toinanbe What music streamer is better? Music Electricbirdtoinanbe
umbrena Do you play any mobile vidya games? Gaming dogsarethebest
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe What's something you're really proud of Ask Ena fred0ne
fred0ne What does Quebec remember ? Ask Ena umbrena fred0ne
umbrena What is the funniest/most ridiculous commercial you've seen on TV? Television
TheSire Despacito or Despaslotho? Ask Ena fred0ne TheSireumbrena
umbrena Is Ena, Ena? Or has James taken over her account? Social Savanna umbrena ahmed92 TheBritishAreComingRhodderzAdmVonSchneiderTheDevilsAvocado
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toinanbe What is your favourite classic movies? Movies fred0ne ahmed92
dogsarethebest Who would make a better banner? Ask Matt TheSireEdRidz73ArbitraryAlpacaSoFlyBriGuyNinjaSquirrelahmed92
lockslayer Math? Science fred0ne toinanbejustskyArbitraryAlpacaWutTheFuckIsJuiceahmed92
toinanbe If you were to name your genitals, what would you call it? Sex gabrieldragulia Yeee5 fred0ne dogsarethebest lockslayer
TheBritishAreComing Would you like a SoSa teddy bear Social Savanna pushingchildrenintotrafficILikeRatsMoreThanCatskhazorathahmed92
dogsarethebest If you were a dog what dog would you be? Animals pushingchildrenintotraffic MyLabrador NinjaSquirrel DigityDog dogsarethebest
toinanbe Who is your favourite Emma Stone? Movies fred0neahmed92WhatWillWeDoWithADrunkenSailorCapnKrunchyMissNerdyGirltoinanbe
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe If you won the lottery (let's say £2million), what would you do? Ask Ena AdmVonSchneider TheBritishAreComing
TheSire Press 'F' to respect whammen Ask Matt HannesFury dogsarethebestTheSireTheBritishAreComing
umbrena Share a picture of yourself for the SoSa wall in the bristol office! Social Savanna fred0ne
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe Which is the best spiderman Movies fred0ne dogsarethebestAesiri
umbrena What song is stuck in your head this week? Music ahmed92
pushingchildrenintotraffic are you cool? Cats TheBritishAreComing SergeantKnickerlessArsewipepushingchildrenintotrafficdogsarethebestkhazorathBerkaDerka
umbrena Who is your favourite team for the 2018 World Cup? Sport ahmed92 pushingchildrenintotraffic justanothermick
toinanbe What's a good playlist to listen to when on a road trip? Music
TheSire Would you like a nug? Did you not choose the Nug Life? Did the Nug Life... Ask Matt AesiriTheSiredogsarethebestStorm1211CapnKrunchyfred0ne
DigityDog pooooooooop Politics fred0ne AesiridogsarethebestDigityDogSirFondleButtpushingchildrenintotraffic
toinanbe Please link me songs you want me to listen to Music fred0ne
toinanbe Where are you on the Kinsey scale? Sex toinanbeTheBritishAreComingmarinedalekCapnKrunchyahmed92Zathyra
TheBritishAreComing Why is Sepiaangel being so mean to Jems today Social Savanna TheBritishAreComingahmed92fred0neArrestedsugar
TheSire Do you think people should have the choice when it comes to organ donation... Ask Matt TheSire ahmed92 fred0neArrestedsugarjustanothermickSirFondleButt
umbrena If you were given the opportunity to go into space and be one of the first... Science umbrenaahmed92fred0nechapstyck1979ILikeRatsMoreThanCats
DigityDog Baby or STD for 5 years Sex ahmed92dogsarethebestTheBritishAreComingCaptainTwirl
toinanbe Would you buy a sex robot? Sex DigityDogTheBritishAreComingBartimaeusbadjustanothermickKlaflefalumpfdogsarethebest
umbrena How many SoSa credits do you have? Social Savanna CowsGoMooALot fred0ne QuantumShittingThroughTheNthDimension Arrestedsugar Digdug83
toinanbe What is your fetish? Sex QuantumShittingThroughTheNthDimension toinanbe chapstyck1979 dogsarethebest
TheBritishAreComing Super Morbidly Obese help Fitness umbrena ayciateKlaflefalumpf
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe What's a weird (true) medical fact that you know? Science dogsarethebest ahmed92
TheBritishAreComing HAVE YOU READ OUR PRIVACY POLICY Social Savanna TheBritishAreComingWhatWillWeDoWithADrunkenSailorfred0neahmed92CowsGoMooALotWeatherbee
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe if you were the leader of a country what 1 law would you enact Politics fred0ne ahmed92
TheBritishAreComing Should Ena always start the day by hugging James? Ask Ena Athycerumbrenajustskyfred0nedogsarethebestTheBritishAreComing
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe Is it too hot? Ask Ena ILikeRatsMoreThanCatsshoopdanwoopSergeantKnickerlessArsewipeDigityDogumbrenaitsmekikiyesyes
umbrena What is a guilty pleasure TV show, you probably know is terrible but can't... Television Sloth CannibalFox Emollama
TheSire Do I have permission to fight @omikone. And probably kill Ask Matt ILikeRatsMoreThanCatsAdmVonSchneiderTheSireMissNerdyGirlayciate
dogsarethebest Should we kick sopeh? Ask Ena dogsarethebest chapstyck1979 umbrenablacksheepcannibalfred0neTheprincessbride
TheBritishAreComing Discussions Social Savanna dogsarethebestTheBritishAreComingahmed92thekamikazekidumbrenafred0ne
umbrena If you buy underwear from the store/online, do you wash it before wearing... Clothing ahmed92Alfouginnfred0neimyourzer0umbrenadogsarethebest
TheBritishAreComing Have you voted for us? Social Savanna Sloth ahmed92 DasIstVeryNice SodaDogimyourzer0Axiluvia
toinanbe Would you give up your gun(s)? Politics fred0ne CowsGoMooALotStandardDeviantimyourzer0WhatWillWeDoWithADrunkenSailor
dogsarethebest Do you like dogs or cats more? Animals chapstyck1979 dogsarethebest fred0ne heyitsmeerikayciateimyourzer0
justanothermick Which would you fight? Animals justanothermickImpossibrewArrestedsugarAdmVonSchneiderimyourzer0ILikeRatsMoreThanCats
SergeantKnickerlessArsewipe What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show or film? Television dogsarethebest imyourzer0 ayciate
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ayciate The Dogs of Sosa! Animals Klaflefalumpf ayciate
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TheBritishAreComing Tell me about a recent dream Fitness
triscat Is Salem a good name for a black cat? Cats thekamikazekid triscatWutTheFuckIsJuiceumbrenaahmed92Cookieconqueror
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NotTheDroidYouAreLookingFor Are kids demons? Politics MyslBo ahmed92NotTheDroidYouAreLookingForRhodderzFoughtSlinkyfred0ne
umbrena Is Finland even a real country? Politics MyslBo ahmed92umbrenakhazorathICantHearSilenceLilifiann
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ahmed92 which novels or books u read it and make u cry ?? Books umbrena MyslBo dogsarethebest ahmed92
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umbrena What would you do in this situation? Technology SimonPeggMe TheBritishAreComing
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umbrena Who is your favourite super hero and why? Comic books fred0ne ahmed92 dogsarethebest
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TheBritishAreComing What's your highest rating imgur post? Technology TheBritishAreComing Digdug83 thekamikazekid
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FrogginBullfish Send Thanos Infinity War memes. Kthx Comic books toinanbe
toinanbe What's a good series to start? Television johannemo toinanbe
TheBritishAreComing What kind of pet have you already dreamt of? Animals Callielizz TheBritishAreComing WhatWillWeDoWithADrunkenSailor dogsarethebest