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    \n1\/4 cup butter or margarine 1 large onion, chopped (1 cup) 1\/4 cup Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour1 can (12 oz) evaporated milk 1 carton (32 oz) Progresso™ chicken broth (4 cups) 1 bag (14 oz) frozen baby broccoli florets, thawed1\/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper1\/4 teaspoon salt1 loaf (8 oz. box) VELVEETA™ Original Cheese1 1\/2 cups shredded extra-sharp Cheddar cheese (6 oz)1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese (4 oz)Additional shredded extra-sharp Cheddar cheese, if desired\u000bSteps
    \n1 Spray 4-quart slow cooker with cooking spray. In 12-inch skillet, melt butter over medium-high heat. Cook onion in butter 4 minutes, stirring occasionally, until tender. Stir in flour. Cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Gradually stir in milk until smooth. Pour mixture into slow cooker. Stir in broth, broccoli, pepper and salt.2 Cover; cook on Low heat setting 4 hours or until bubbly.3 Add cheese cubes to slow cooker; stir until melted. Add 1 1\/2 cups Cheddar cheese and the Parmesan cheese; stir until melted. Sprinkle individual servings with additional Cheddar cheese.","image":"https:\/\/\/themes\/default\/images\/profiles\/giraffe.jpg","link":"\/profile\/myabilitytoeven","date":"2017-10-15","delete":false,"datetime":"Oct 15th 2017 23:40","timestamp":1508110839,"loggedIn":false,"username":"myabilitytoeven","upclass":"","downclass":"","upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"score":1,"level":1,"children":[],"deleted":0,"parent":0,"previews":[],"entity":4176,"guilds":1,"type":"1","type_string":"topic"},{"id":28798,"user":27621,"comment":"Soup
    \n3 cups sliced onions (3 medium) 3 tablespoons margarine or butter, melted3 tablespoons all-purpose flour1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce1 teaspoon sugar 1\/4 teaspoon pepper4 cans (14 1\/2 ounces each) ready-to-serve beef broth \u000bCheesy Broiled French Bread
    \n8 slices French bread, 1 inch thick3\/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (3 ounces)2 tablespoons grated or shredded Parmesan cheese\u000bSteps\u000b1 Place Reynolds™ Slow Cooker Liners inside a 5- to 6 1\/2 -qt slow cooker bowl. Make sure that liner fits snugly against the bottom and sides of bowl and pull the top of the liner over rim of bowl.2 In lined slow cooker, mix onions and margarine.3 Cover and cook on high heat setting 30 to 35 minutes or until onions begin to slightly brown around edges.4 Mix flour, Worcestershire sauce, sugar and pepper. Stir flour mixture and broth into onions. Cover and cook on low heat setting 7 to 9 hours (or high heat setting 3 to 4 hours) or until onions are very tender.5 Prepare Cheesy Broiled French Bread. Place 1 slice bread on top of each bowl of soup. Serve immediately.","image":"https:\/\/\/themes\/default\/images\/profiles\/giraffe.jpg","link":"\/profile\/myabilitytoeven","date":"2017-10-15","delete":false,"datetime":"Oct 15th 2017 23:35","timestamp":1508110559,"loggedIn":false,"username":"myabilitytoeven","upclass":"","downclass":"","upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"score":1,"level":1,"children":[],"deleted":0,"parent":0,"previews":[],"entity":4176,"guilds":1,"type":"1","type_string":"topic"},{"id":28797,"user":27621,"comment":"3slices bread, torn into small pieces 1\/2cup milk 1 1\/2lb lean (at least 80%) ground beef 8slices bacon, crisply cooked and crumbled 1cup finely shredded sharp Cheddar cheese (4 oz) 1\/4cup dill pickle relish1\/2cup finely chopped onion 1clove garlic, finely chopped1egg, slightly beaten 
    \n1\/3 cup ketchup1 tablespoon packed brown sugar
    \n1Heat oven to 350°F. Line 9x5-inch loaf pan with foil; spray foil with cooking spray.2In large bowl, mix bread and milk. Let stand 5 minutes to absorb milk. Add beef, all but 2 tablespoons of the bacon, the shredded cheese, relish, onion, garlic and egg. Mix until well combined. Shape mixture into 8x4-inch loaf. Place in pan.3In small bowl, stir together Topping ingredients. Spread on top and sides of loaf. Top with reserved 2 tablespoons crumbled bacon.4Bake uncovered 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes or until meat thermometer inserted in center of loaf reads 160°F. Cool 10 minutes.5Cut meatloaf into slices to serve. Top with desired burger toppings, such as pickle relish, ketchup and mustard.","image":"https:\/\/\/themes\/default\/images\/profiles\/giraffe.jpg","link":"\/profile\/myabilitytoeven","date":"2017-10-15","delete":false,"datetime":"Oct 15th 2017 23:25","timestamp":1508109949,"loggedIn":false,"username":"myabilitytoeven","upclass":"","downclass":"","upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"score":1,"level":1,"children":[],"deleted":0,"parent":0,"previews":[],"entity":4176,"guilds":1,"type":"1","type_string":"topic"},{"id":28796,"user":27621,"comment":"1large onion, halved, cut into thin slices1tablespoon chopped garlic1 1\/2teaspoons dried thyme leaves1teaspoon dried basil leaves1teaspoon dried oregano leaves1teaspoon salt1\/2teaspoon pepper1cut-up whole chicken (3 1\/2 to 4 lb)
    \nSpray 5- to 6-quart slow cooker with cooking spray. Place onion and garlic in slow cooker.
    \nIn small bowl, mix thyme, basil, oregano, salt and pepper. Rub each piece of chicken with herb mixture. Arrange chicken pieces over onion, in single layer if possible.
    \nCover; cook on High heat setting 3 hours 30 minutes (or Low heat setting 6 to 7 hours) or until juice of chicken is clear when thickest pieces are cut to bone (at least 165°F).
    \nSet oven control to broil. Line broiler pan or cookie sheet with foil. Using slotted spoon, remove chicken from slow cooker and place, skin side up, on pan. Broil with tops 6 inches from heat 4 to 6 minutes or until golden brown.","image":"https:\/\/\/themes\/default\/images\/profiles\/giraffe.jpg","link":"\/profile\/myabilitytoeven","date":"2017-10-15","delete":false,"datetime":"Oct 15th 2017 23:15","timestamp":1508109301,"loggedIn":false,"username":"myabilitytoeven","upclass":"","downclass":"","upvoted":false,"downvoted":false,"score":2,"level":1,"children":[],"deleted":0,"parent":0,"previews":[],"entity":4176,"guilds":1,"type":"1","type_string":"topic"}], entityID : "4176", title : "Comments", element : "discussion_container", buttonText : "Add Comment", buttonClasses : "small_button small_button_green", answerClasses : "" }; if(typeof($d) == "undefined"){ $d = { initCheckboxes:function(element){ element.find("input[type=checkbox]").each(function(){ var c = $(this); if(!c.attr("checkbox_setup")){ c.attr("checkbox_setup",true); var id = c.attr("id"); var container = $(document.createElement("div")); container.addClass(c.get(0).className); c.get(0).className = ""; container.addClass("checkbox"); container.attr("id",id); container.prop("name",id); c.attr("id",id + "-checkbox"); container.prop("checked",c.get(0).checked); container.prop("value",c.val()); container.prop("type","checkbox"); container.attr("type","checkbox"); if(c.prop("title")){container.append(""+c.prop("title")+"");} c.before(container); c.remove(); container.append(c); if(c.get(0).checked){ container.addClass("checked"); } var checkUncheck = function(){ c.addClass("toSave"); if(c.get(0).checked){container.addClass("checked");} else{container.removeClass("checked");} };{ var container = $(this);; container.prop("checked",c.get(0).checked); checkUncheck(); }); } }); }, initSelects: function(element){ try{ if(!this.helpers.isMobile()){ element.find("select").select2(); } }catch(e){} }, session: { isLoggedIn:function(){return false;} }, helpers: { stripHTML : function(string){ var div = $(document.createElement("div")); div.html(string.replace(/(
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